Ok so, i guess i've just been kindof freaking out lately because i have so many important choices coming up and i'm feeling a little lost... and to be honest i'm terrified! There is so much to do... finish personal progress, apply for colleges, apply for scholarships, homework, my work as Laurel president, try and be involved in high school... and a couple minor details... i need to figure out what i want to do after college, what occupation i want, and what college i want to go to.
I love where i am in my life right now because so far (knock on wood) i haven't made any HUGE life altering decisions. I still have all of the major ones ahead of me, and while that's very exciting, i'm also feeling very anxious.
I don't feel like i've even really found anything that i want to do for the rest of my life, and i definitely couldn't commit to any one thing right now. There seems to always be people who are perfect for what they do, like Laura being a makeup artist, and Micki going into science, and i just don't know if there's anything out there for me that i would be good at or enjoy doing for a long time.
I also want to travel and have experiences because i've never traveled very far or seen much of the world. Maybe it's just stress, PMS, or i am going crazy but a lot of this stuff is really perplexing me right now! So i would much appreciate some personal stories or advice of what you guys went through when you were done with high school. Thanks!
Just Kidding & Ramblings of Music
12 years ago