Friday, February 27, 2009

We are the third ward the mighty mighty third ward!

These are my amazing young women wardies after our last basketball game. We killed the other team, and had a blast doing it! (Other than when I totally biffed it while there was nobody within 10 feet of me...) We wanted to intimidate the other team so micki and I decided to paint mustaches on everyone! It was a blast!


This winter I went sledding out in bountiful with my family and I brought one of my best friends along with me! Leesha and I have been friends for a while now, and I love her to death! We were totally meant to be sisters! I like our eyes in this picture, cause usually I don't think I have very pretty eyes, but I love this picture!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chucker Hunting (not to be confused with rock chucks :P )

I recently had the exciting and exhausting (to put it mildly) experience of going chucker hunting with my dad, uncle carl, and his cousin Jay up above willard bay! To all of you who have never been chucker hunting but plan to... make sure you are prepared to conquer a mountain! No joke we hiked to the very top of the mountain (picture proof above) and then hiked down it through the treaturous terrain! I spent much of the time climbing up the mountain on my previously un-bruised knees and shins, and on the way down I was on my rear end most of the hike. I got to shoot my shotgun though and it really was very fun, I would definately reccommend it!

Sweet sister!

So Micki is pretty much the sweetest sister ever! I was getting ready for my choir concert one night and I was saying how sad I was because I have never recieved flowers from a boy (and I think that is so cute!) and then after my concert when I went to find my family micki was waiting with a gorgeous bouquet of roses! She isn't a boy but she is so cute and thoughtful! I'm very lucky to have her for my little sis!

JaNuArY bIrThDaYs!

In January we got together with the fam and celebrated mine, Micki's, Janes, and Cactus' birthdays! I am now sixteen (dating and driving what a blast!), and Micki is now 13 (welcome to the teenage years you lucky girl ;)! I am now in laurels and I enjoy that, but I can't believe how old I am getting (relief society here I come!). We went to sizzlers for our birthday which is super delicious! I am looking forward to this year of being sixteen, hopefully it will be all its cracked up to be!

Hitting the slopes!

Since I have such amazingly awesome and fun grandparents micki, hunter, and I were able to have our annual sleep-by-the-tree-with-grandma-sleepover. The next day we went to the elementary school and sledded down the hill there. We had a blast sledding, especially when we made our four people trains!

Smile for the camera :)

I love this picture because it shows how much micki loves taking pictures with me...*roll my eyes*. We had just sledded down the hill and I wanted to take a picture but I didn't like the first one I took so I asked micki for a re-take and this is what I got... haha don't worry I'm making sure micki is getting LOTS of practice with picture taking. ;)


Wendi and Marci cooking eibleskibbers (that is a very hard word to spell... I don't even know if I spelled that right) at the party! It was so fun and its one of my very favorite traditions!