Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chucker Hunting (not to be confused with rock chucks :P )

I recently had the exciting and exhausting (to put it mildly) experience of going chucker hunting with my dad, uncle carl, and his cousin Jay up above willard bay! To all of you who have never been chucker hunting but plan to... make sure you are prepared to conquer a mountain! No joke we hiked to the very top of the mountain (picture proof above) and then hiked down it through the treaturous terrain! I spent much of the time climbing up the mountain on my previously un-bruised knees and shins, and on the way down I was on my rear end most of the hike. I got to shoot my shotgun though and it really was very fun, I would definately reccommend it!


Lisa said...

Way cute updates! How are you enjoying being 16? We love you and hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day! We'll have to give you your valentines on the snowmobile trip! Love ya, and thanks for your help the other day! The bread bowls turned out delicious, not yeasty at all!

bigtallhorses said...

you guys are so great! always on a great adventure!