Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Standing on the edge of the future...

Ok so, i guess i've just been kindof freaking out lately because i have so many important choices coming up and i'm feeling a little lost... and to be honest i'm terrified! There is so much to do... finish personal progress, apply for colleges, apply for scholarships, homework, my work as Laurel president, try and be involved in high school... and a couple minor details... i need to figure out what i want to do after college, what occupation i want, and what college i want to go to.

I love where i am in my life right now because so far (knock on wood) i haven't made any HUGE life altering decisions. I still have all of the major ones ahead of me, and while that's very exciting, i'm also feeling very anxious.

I don't feel like i've even really found anything that i want to do for the rest of my life, and i definitely couldn't commit to any one thing right now. There seems to always be people who are perfect for what they do, like Laura being a makeup artist, and Micki going into science, and i just don't know if there's anything out there for me that i would be good at or enjoy doing for a long time.

I also want to travel and have experiences because i've never traveled very far or seen much of the world. Maybe it's just stress, PMS, or i am going crazy but a lot of this stuff is really perplexing me right now! So i would much appreciate some personal stories or advice of what you guys went through when you were done with high school. Thanks!


Jessica said...


Okay- so here's my "advice" (which is fitting since I'm a psychology major ;))... stop stressing about what you're going to do after college- you need to just focus on the here and now. Once you're in college and have a year or two under your belt- THEN you can start figuring out after college plans.

Now I know you're probably thinking... but I need to know what I want to do after college so that I can pick a major. However, know it's okay to go into college not knowing your major, not knowing what career you want for the rest of your life, etc. Trust me- A LOT of people do it. And, it's even okay to change your mind a couple of times once you're in college- again, lots of people do this. (I think the average time a college student switches their major is like 4- could be off on that though.) Now, if you do have it figured out what you want to do- great, that's awesome. If not- don't worry about it yet. I PROMISE it will be okay, and you'll figure it all out. So instead of stressing about not knowing and having made a decision- go into college open minded and take a variety of classes to see what you're interested in and what you're not. That's what generals are for!

Also, I feel that it's important to say that life NEVER works out exactly how we plan it out and hope it would go. That's the one of the few things you can count on in life- that it throws curve balls and surprises at you. Not to say we shouldn't make plans and have goals- because we definitely should. But just to say that it's good to be flexible and not to be afraid of change.

As for accomplishing everything you need to get done- again don't worry. Somehow stuff like that always ends up working out and getting done.

Now last thing I promise- always remember to turn to the Lord and He'll help you make the right decisions for your life. I actually got this e-mail today (it's a "Gem"- an daily quote from the Prophet and Apostles sent in an e-mail from the church. You should subscribe- they're awesome!!!) that applies perfectly. So here it is....

"Precious young people, make every decision you contemplate pass this test: What does it do to me? What does it do for me? And let your code of conduct emphasize not 'What will others think?' but rather 'What will I think of myself?' Be influenced by that still, small voice. Remember that one with authority placed his hands on your head at the time of your confirmation and said, 'Receive the Holy Ghost.' Open your hearts, even your very souls, to the sound of that special voice that testifies of truth." -- Thomas S. Monson, "Standards of Strength," New Era, Oct. 2008, 2

Sorry that this is a "mini" novel- but I hope this helps somewhat. You're going to be just fine Lexi I KNOW it!!! Oh- and remember to keep just enjoying and having fun in life because this really is such an exciting time and we only experience it once!!

Love ya!

Johnston Family said...

Oh Lexi Loodles, you are soo good at so many things! And life is always a work in progress, making important decisions as we go along. Don't limit yourself in whatever you want to take on & I promise you will succeed & be brilliant at whatever you end up doing. Just follow your heart, as cheese balls as that sounds, that's what I have ALWAYS done & I keep creating a life that I LOVE to live! Remember there is always a "nanny/dance teachers assistant" position available at the Laura Johnston abode! :) Love you so much it makes my eyeballs want to fall right on out of their sockets every time I think about you! Let's get together soon? Next week even?

bigtallhorses said...

Wes' famous quote is you have the rest of your life to I guess I would say just try to live and enjoy the moment. I think I changed majors three times before I decided and check out ILP, I felt the same way about traveling the world and this is a great option. Love you soooo much, you will do (and have already done) great things!